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Patrícia Pais Leite Partner and co-founder

Patrícia Pais Leite

Partner and co-founder

Academic background: Law Degree and MBA in Management;
Professional Experience: Attorney (as trainee), Collaborator of Multinational Consultancy Company, Industrial Property and Management Support Consultant, Professional Certified Coach, Trainer and Speaker;
Experience in the Wine Sector (14 years): Head of the Legal Department of a Regional Wine Commission (specialization in national and EU regulation, in the institutional functioning of the national sector, in national certification of wines with Designation of Origin and Geographical Indication and in Wines’ Industrial Property);
Trainer on sector functioning, on certification rules and basic concepts of wines; Writer for the specialized Press (until March 2013).

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Shades of Autumn

Text Ilkka Sirén
If there is one thing I know, one thing I’m absolutely certain of is that winter in Finland is inevitable. As a season it is not my favorite. But not because of the snow, that might sometimes be waist deep. It’s not even the cold which can reach -40°C in some parts of Finland. It is the darkness that really takes it out of me.

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